Sunday, 21 December 2014

The day of my engagement, 21 December 2014

The day of my engagement. It was a really special day in my life.
The day when I accepted his proposal to be his wife.
The day when I got the ring with his name.
The day when I realized that I am in love with him.
It was truly unforgettable moment for me.
May the plan for our wedding is going smooth.
For you, thank you so much for the special gifts for me.


  1. Selamat semoga lancar sampai ijab qobul and sampe kaken ninen...

  2. barakallah ya Bu.. semoga menjadi awal untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik. aamiin.

  3. Terima kasin Bapak Mastoyo atas doanya...:)

  4. Aamiin... terima kasih mba Armita Fibriyanti :)

  5. barakallah Ibu..smoga Allah prmudah dan lancarkan smua prosesnyaa :D
